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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Five Poems by Sreekala Sivasankaran

    Untitled Blank as I am I retrieve my forest Off the light All the light Black as I am I am the night My crying songs return Without body A vanambadi* *Skylark   Love alone They were...

Poems by Peter Magliocco

      2-Faced Shooter   Learning to rhyme with the dawn of in-Hu-Man,  Tasting what revels in itself as a child watches Me stumbling across the street, late for work,...

Six Poems by Colin Ian Jeffery

    Cat Pussy cat, pussy cat Serene and relaxed Sitting on lap Purring being stroked Soothing words of love spoken. Pussy cat, pussy cat Hunting in the garden Seeking mice and birds Creeping through...

Four Poems by Arvilla Fee

      Can I Get a Refund?   eyes blurry from lack of sleep, a toddler up at o’dark thirty, snot and tears and tug-of-war over a pair of shoes, a pop...

Two Poems by Colette RC

    Patience It’s a kind of love, is it not? How your bottle holds the milk, how your highchair stands upright and foursquare, how the playmat accepts the continuous...

Poems by Michael Kfoury

    Artistic Integrity Our wedding album is going to be an album, a debut L.P because I want to spend your father’s money on something stupid...

Poems by George Freek

    As clouds pass by  As willow leaves fall, it’s like a kind of grief, but not a particular grief. It’s for everything we see, for the evening succumbing to a...

Two Poems by Richard Risemberg

    (Note: The two narrative poems are linked through a common character, Mr. Carter) Poem-1 Kip’s Diner 1. Morning here, where the universe coalesces into concrete songs and plate-glass rhapsodies in...

Poems by James Croal Jackson

    ? God’s question to the universe? Silence   Final Cut You’ve become a stuntman boom camera car hurtling toward (you try not to think about it– getting older the pain locks in the physical...

Poems by Duane Anderson

    Holiday Blood Drive Here I am, at a holiday blood drive sitting at a table on the main floor of an arena near the front entrance. Underneath...

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