Poems by Paul Tristram

Pic by Anni Roenkae



There Is No Running Away From This

No, do not ‘Pull it
out of the Fire’
… let it Burn.
Scars are made
from Collision
not Avoidance.
Life Experiences
… Teach Us…
‘Painfully’, or
we’d never Listen.
Three ‘Choices’
going Forward…
Hunter, Victim,
or… Unique Path.


The Victory Starts Within

Your past lives are etched
into your indestructible soul,
like the growth rings
throughout the wooden-flesh
of a gnarly old oak tree.
Barking orders
and shouting questions
will not get you answers…
it’s the quiet times
of deep reflection
which delivers these.
Viewing a problem
from the correct angle,
is a form of mental alchemy,
for with patience and practice,
it’ll transform into a stepping stone.
Transitional times,
are to be embraced not feared,
don’t focus upon
the spiritual growing-pains,
see it for what it is,
an escalator up to a higher level.
Fall, rise, learn, absorb, create,
keep walking tall
and living each precious day
in your very own unique way…
you are exactly where you need to be,
at this very moment in time,
to better know yourself, than yesterday.



Cyclical History and Toxicity…
and I am the King Of Swords
… cutting and severing
past ties and connections
with a ruthless surgical precision
… that is filling my
‘Breaching The Surface’ again
lungs with the Freshness
of a Welsh Winter Mountainside.
This is not emotional-tactics
(Gentlemen do not play games),
I am ‘Closing-A-Door’ sincere
… and you simply do not Exist
upon this new Level
I have fought my way up onto.
Your Closure is my Absence…
your Disappearance my Freedom.


On Point

She sweats through Focus,
streamlined (Mentally)
… it’s all Pain and Strain,
until Final Rush
around obstacles to Target.

She licks her lips, swiftly
… when Inner-Strength
takes Control and Guides…
the Body merely becomes
a Bayonet to the Gun.

All Fortitude, Resilience,
Stamina… and
Lightning Strike Impact!
Fluid and Versatile
… Exact ‘Moves’
scalpel Bends and Arches
into unfollowable Patterns.

Energy and Self-Sacrifice
… forget the ‘World’,
it’s one more time
for Yourself
… Faster, Better,
and more Powerful…
a Step closer to Perfection
and the Glory of End Game.


A Swift Adieu To Long Goodbyes

Clean Cuts vouched for
by Integrity.
A Season ends to re-birth,
not death.
See how my ‘Flow’,
rhythms away… from you.

To know a Transitional Period
is just that
… un-blackens thoughts,
and brings serenity
back to forward footsteps.

To be so Alive
in one of the most
beautiful areas
of Great Britain…
watching the seagulls
battle the offshore winds.

There’s no drama
in a closed door…
No arguing with yesterday
when walking
hand-in-hand with today
… besides,
all the coming miracles
are waiting off down this way.


About the Author

Paul Tristram is a widely published Welsh writer who yearns to tattoo porcelain bridesmaids instead of digging empty graves for innocence at midnight, although this too may pass, yet. His novel Crazy Like Emotion was recently released by Close To The Bone Publishing.