Poems by Jovica Tasevski–Eternijan




Black angels

Through the foundations of the fortress



(the green ladder

Is thrown into the desert)


The light crown boils over

Greedy raven sows onto it

Dark air


(rotten baskets

Аre filled by salty eyes)


Hills on fire are moving

The icy cloak disappears

And we fall into balance


From Across

The Dark

Which boils inside

That what perfectly cuts

The lustful rays

Running towards the engravings

Thirsty for fire


For an illuminated string

It craves!


Hamlet Turned Back

The only path they prepared

For this fragile, glittery ankles

That yearn for air

And strive to leave footprints

Behind the horizon


Deposited, sticky mud

Was, is and will be

Where it seemed

That plenty of traps are scattered

To carve in me festered springs


And your soul which is marked

With scars that seem crusty

While they dream

About the one

Who will turn them juicy anew


Is it searching for honey

In this Hive from which spreads

The stench of decay,

O deluded?

About the author:

Jovica Tasevski–Eternijan (b. 1976, Skopje) is a distinguished poet, literary critic and essayist from the Republic of Macedonia, whose poetic achievements are internationally acclaimed. He won The Enchanting Poet Award for excellent contribution in poetry writing from The Enchanting Verses Literary Review. He has published six full-length poetry collections and two books of criticism and essays. His poems are published in many literary magazines and anthologies, and have been translated into around twenty languages. His poems carry a unique flavour and vision of the world, unspoiled by the worldly turmoils; they demand focussed attention to unfurl the hidden meanings.