Poems by Vladimir Baboshin



Translated by Danijela Trajković



You’re silent again … but you could at least
Wave. It’s probably cause we both know.
Only afterwards our words are like a gift –
What it was, what will be while we are talking.

Love is always, always with the truth,
Not to feel pressed we did not promise it to us,
Just a thought like a miraculous light lace
That ties us carefully.

And the New Year’s Snow Storm,
Will blow again on the road a long way
And our beds cold like a snake –
If you’re just an elusive dream.


Our Enchantresses

To ask a woman for her age is shameful!
A real man, believe me, always knows that,
She is beautiful like when cherry blossoms wildly,
Or when she’s mature as fertile autumn.

To ask a woman for her age is unnecessarily,
Because she always wraps a veil of a secret.
Both dressed in rags or solemn,
Beautiful even when no one sees her eyes shining.

To ask a woman for her age – this is madness,
Because these numbers mean nothing to anyone.
To her husband, maybe, just for the sake of,
To the rest – beauty is unknown.

And therefore, be silent in front of her beauty,
But do not hide your excitement.
During all her age guess only the enchantress
For such will always be your wish.


About the author:

Vladimir Aleksandrovič Babošhin (1958) is a Russian poet, translator and the editor of Невская формула journal. He is a retired colonel, an assistant professor at the Military School, a PhD in philosophy in technical sciences, a correspondent member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and Arts. His newest book is My Serbian Anthology (Моясербскаяантология 2018). He lives and works in Saint Petersburg.

About the translator:

Danijela Trajković holds an MA in English Language and Literature from the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia. She has authored numerous short stories and also is a poet, translator and reviewer. Published by literary magazines, newspapers and anthologies worldwide. Her first book “22 Wagons” was published by Istok Academia, Knjaževac, Serbia, 2018.