Two Poems By Swati Moheet Agrawal





It is midnight.
I survey my day and I ask myself what
I have done with it.

I finished making almond-fig laddus for Vika.
I read ‘Old MacDonald Had A Farm’ for the umpteenth time to her.
I endeavoured to amuse her with colourful plastic cutlery and an unopened bottle of coconut oil.
Like her I tried sitting in Malasana but failed miserably.
I talked with a Mitsubishi technician and
I wrote eight lines of poetry.
After days of procrastination, I had my kameez altered to breathe easier.
I did not indulge in chocolate ganache.
I walked for six more minutes to challenge my body.
I decluttered my wardrobe and read
a bit of Proust because I always find what I desire between the pages of a book.

Now what does all that amount to?
Just fritter!
And yet it represents a better day than I have
spent in a really long time.


Parallel Universe

In a parallel universe
I am reading books at Shakespeare & Company,
I am taking the rest of my lifetime to do it.

Perambulating miles of art galleries,
romping merrily from café to café,
bookstore to bookstore,
it is sunset before I know it.

The morning air smells of coffee and cigarette,
crepes and croissants.
Savouring lunch at Maison Bergeron Boulangerie,
I head to Musée d’Orsay.

In a parallel Universe,
I am the bestselling author of a children’s book that is changing their lives.
My daughter Yamika cannot stop singing praises of the punchy orange cover and colorful illustrations.

In a parallel Universe
Yamika and I are globetrotting,
traversing a thousand miles,
making memories!
I am unscared of what lurks beneath,
what waits beyond,
I am embracing the talent for living.

In a parallel Universe,
today is nothing short of
and I am leaning into love
and life.

To read more poems from the same author click here

About the Author

When she is not mollycoddling her baby girl, Swati Moheet Agrawal spends time writing in her favourite coffee shop. Her work has appeared in Muse India, Setu, Active Muse, The Alipore Post, Sledgehammer Lit, Potato Soup Journal, Rhodora Magazine, Friday Flash Fiction, Ariel Chart, Thimble Lit Mag and The Criterion among other literary magazines and journals.